1. Berlin is hipper than New York
2. Everything is cheap in Berlin (except vinyl)
3. Berlin is still visibly recovering from the cold war
4. Mastercard often isn't accepted at restaurants but they take one called Maestrocard that looks just like it
5. As women are enchanted with owl accessories in New York, so they are with elephants in Berlin
6. Energy conservation is cool but walking into a pitch-black hallway at night is scary
7. Apparently drug dealers in Gorlitzer Park check your ID before selling to make sure you're at least 18 years of age
8. Everyone I encountered except 1 person spoke English really well
9. Becks is the Budweiser of Germany (only much better tasting)
10. Everyone has tattoos in Berlin
11. There's an area for drinking in the supermarkets, right after the check-out
12. The public transit system in Berlin is excellent, but biking is even better!